Tuesday 18 October 2011

Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Conference 2011

"There is no limit upon what you can achieve unless you limit yourself"
(said by Chloe Ball Hopkins, winner of  the Young Inspiring Person of the Year Award)

Last Saturday I attended the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign's national conference in Nottingham.
I am a PhD student, funded by the MDC, and was invited to present a poster of my research to supporters of the charity, inlcuding patients and their families, fundraisers and healthcare professionals.

The quote above really captures the positive attitude of the meeting. I was moved by the talks given by many inspiring individuals, inlcuding how people have overcome difficulties in living with muscle diseases, and fundraisers who have made a big impact on the MDC. I really enjoyed meeting everyone, and talking to them about my research. I think its important for supporters of the charity to learn about what research is being done, as they are the ones who have put so much effort into rasing the money that funds it. Reading about scientific research can be challenging, as there are many technical words and phrases, which I think can easily be translated for the general public.

So I have decided to start a blog to talk about some of my work, and other research into muscular dystrophy that is being carried out around the world. I look forward to communicating my research to a wider audience and helping to spread the word on cutting edge muscular dystrophy research.

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